Benvegnûo in sciâ Wikipedia Lìgure! modìfica

Salûi! Segiæ benvegnûi inta Wikipedia Lìgure, a lìbera enciclopedîa, de badda scrîta con l'agiùtto de tùtti.

--Dragonòt (discuscioin) 19:21, 11 Arv 2017 (UTC)

adminship modìfica

hi. not perfectly clear. shall i start a new vote? is this gonna be for permanent adminship? thanks Giromin Cangiaxo (discuscioin) 14:51, 12 Arv 2017 (UTC)

Hi, I candidated for the first time to support my friend Giromin Cangiaxo (see above), now he's telling me that he lost his administrator's rights once again as six months have elapsed. We both need a permanent access as administrators of Wikipedia Ligure (nobody else apparently wants to play this role). I received some votes in the past few weeks, now I need an official confirmation, but please not for just six months! If necessary, we're gonna vote once again for Giromin Cangiaxo, but please make it permanent! Our votes are on this page: Wikipedia:Administrators/candidæ All the best, Luensu1959 (discuscioin) 16:25, 18 Arv 2017 (UTC)