Hemispheres.png (201 × 162 pixel, dimensción do file: 21 KB, tîpo MIME: image/png)

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Taken from English Wikipedia - this can be checked out right here.

Original description:

Surface rendering of the human brain, viewed from above.

The image shows the cerebral hemispheres. The front of the brain is to the right of the image.

Created using Blender, based on MRI data (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience).

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  • 23:00, 26 November 2005 to 23:28, 18 May 2007
  • 21:17, 19 May 2007 to 20:01, 21 May 2007
For Template:GFDL, the dates are slightly different:
  • 21:43, 20 February 2004 to 16:27, 10 May 2007
Washington irving da en.wikipedia.org, detentô/ôa di driti d'aotô de st'œuvia, o/a deciæa de pubricâla sotta-a seguente lisensia:
GNU head O l'é permìsso copiâ, distriboî e/ò modificâ 'sto papê chi in bâze a-i tèrmini da GNU Free Documentation License, Versción 1.2 ò sucesîva, publicâ da-a Free Software Foundation; sénsa de seçioìn no modificàbili, sénsa tèsto de covertìnn-a e sénsa tèsto de quàrta de covertìnn-a. Ina còpia da licénsa a l'é inclûza inta seçión intitolâ Tèsto da GNU Free Documentation License.
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Quésto file o l'é rilasciòu sott'a-i tèrmini da licénsa Creative Commons Atribuçión-Condivìddi a-o mæximo mòddo 3.0 Unported
Atribuçión: Washington irving
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Quest'etichetta de drito d'aotô a l'è stata azonta into contesto de l'agiornamento da lisensia GFDL.

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Registro do caregamento originâ

  • 13:43, 13 February 2004 . Washington irving (Talk) . 256×192 (29,935 bytes) (Surface rendering of the human brain, viewed from above.)
This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons


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prezénte18:37, 3 màr 2007Miniatûa da versción de 18:37, 3 màr 2007201 × 162 (21 KB)Ysangkokcropped, grayscaled, made background transparent
19:02, 14 dex 2005Miniatûa da versción de 19:02, 14 dex 2005256 × 192 (29 KB)Octavio LTaken from English Wikipedia - this can be checked out right here. Original description: Surface rendering of the human brain, viewed from above. The image shows the cerebral hemispheres. The front of the brain is to the r

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