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DescriçiónCathedral of John the Divine sculpture sitting chimp 3 - Ape & Angel.jpg
English: In the sculpture garden on the grounds of the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (which is a New York City Designated Landmark), a six-inch-high sculpture in the foreground of a chimpanzee sitting on the ground is one of many small sculptures in the circle around the cathedral's 40 foot (12.3 meter) high Peace Fountain (the thing with wings above and behind the chimp)
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de modificâ – de adatâ l'òpera
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atribuçión – Ti ti dêvi atriboî a paternitæ de l'òpera, indicâ o link a-a licénsa, e indicâ se són stæti fæti di cangiaménti ascì. Ti ti pêu fâ coscì inte 'n mòddo raxonévole e de mòddo da no sugerî che quélli ch'à dæto a licénsa sostêgnan ti ò a manêa inta quæ ti t'adêuvi l'òpera.
condivìddi a-o mæximo mòddo – Se ti càngi, trasfórmi ò svilùppi o materiâle ti dêvi distriboî i tò contribûti segóndo 'na licénsa pægia ò conpatìbile a l'òriginâle.
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