Immaggine:Baitul Mukarram (Arabic, بيت المكرّم; Bengali, বায়তুল মুকাররম; The Holy House).jpg

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English: (The structure of Baitul Mukarram resembles the Kaaba in Mecca).Baitul Mukarram, also spelled as Baytul Mukarram (Arabic: بيت المكرّم‎‎; Bengali: বায়তুল মোকাররম; The Holy House) is the national mosque of Bangladesh. Located at the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, the mosque was completed in 1968.The mosque has a capacity of 30,000, giving it the respectable position of being the 10th biggest mosque in the world. However the mosque is constantly getting overcrowded. This especially occurs during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which has resulted in the Bangladeshi government having to add extensions to the mosque, thus increasing the capacity to at least 40,000.
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Aotô আহসান হাবীব
Luogo dello scatto23° 43′ 45,84″ N, 90° 24′ 46,08″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Posizione di questa e altre immagini su: OpenStreetMapinfo


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According to Sec. 72 of the "2000 Copyright Act of Bangladesh", the following acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright, namely:
(19) the making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of architecture or the display of a work of architecture;
(20) the making or publishing of painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture or other artistic work falling under section 36(c) (enumerated as "other works of artistic craftsmanship" under Sec. 2, "Definitions"), if such work is permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access;
(21) the inclusion in a cinematograph film of – (i) any artistic work permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access; or (ii) any other artistic work, if such inclusion is only by way of background or is otherwise incidental to the principal matters represented in the film;[...]
See COM:CRT/Bangladesh#Freedom of panorama for more information.

বাংলা | English | +/−

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Questa immagine è stata valutata secondo i criteri per le immagini di valore ed è considerata l'immagine di maggior valore su Commons per l'argomento: National mosque of Bangladesh - Facade. Puoi vedere la sua valutazione qui.

Questa immagine è stata selezionata come immagine del giorno nella Wikipedia in bengalese.


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raffigura italian

23 fre 1987

23°43'45.8"N, 90°24'46.1"E

tipo di file italian


checksum italian


metodo di determinazione italian: SHA-1 italian

263 973 byte

465 pixel

larghezza italian

780 pixel

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prezénte10:23, 22 màz 2013Miniatûa da versción de 10:23, 22 màz 2013780 × 465 (258 KB)আহসান হাবীব{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|Baitul Mukarram is the national mosque of Bangladesh.(1) Located at the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, the mosque was completed in 1968.jpg}} |Source = {{own}} |Date =...

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